Advertising forms an important part of a business. In order to perform better than your competitors, you need to do extensive marketing. To be precise, online marketing or e-marketing plays an important role for your business to succeed.
It is important that you spend some time choosing a marketing platform for yourself. If you are new to marketing online, many platforms will suggest you take up AdOperator. is a platform that will allow you to advertise your direct or indirect advertising campaigns. It tries to make sure that the right audience gets to view your advertisement. A variety of methods can be used to display your advertising campaign online.
Knowing the features and pricing is all factual. Apart from that, you should know how it has been performing in the industry. For this, you will have to go through the review of AdOperator. This will help you understand the overview of what exactly will you be offered with AdOperator as adsense alternative for publishers and great source of traffic for mediabuyers, .
Reviews play an important role when it comes to deciding whether or not to spend money on a particular product or service. To help you make the right choice, here is a review on AdOperator that will cover everything you need to know about it.
What Is AdOperator?
As mentioned earlier, AdOperator is adnetwork that will help you take your advertisement to the next level. Advertisers and publishers consider this as an intelligent platform that caters to all their needs. You can send out ads on people’s mobile phones and desktops. These ads pop up as notifications. Sometimes, the advertisement opens up in a new window. So, people will have to go and look at the ad. This will gather a lot of traffic for you.
AdOperator is one of the most renowned Push notifications platforms you might come across. Over the years, AdOperator has witnessed tremendous growth.

Many formats can be adapted for your ad to be successful. You will find three of them on the site. Those are: Push Ads, Popunder Ads and In-Page ads. These will be discussed in detail.
Available Ad Types
Majorly, there are three types of formats that you can use. Here are the details:
Push Ads
Push Ads are used to create push notifications. This is one of the most modern ways to float out your ads. This is one of the easiest ways to reach out to more audiences. There will not be any requirement for you to put an extra effort to gather customers. People do not have the time to read long ads. This feature is one of the best ones that AdOperator has laid down.
To set this ad, all you need to do is follow the instructions put forward by AdOperator. There will be a feature where you can see how exactly your ad will look on a mobile, tablet, or desktop.
Popunder Ads
There is also an opportunity to get high performance on your advertisements. The Popunder format uses the full screen to float out your ad. Even here, you can see how your ad looks on various platforms.
When you are at the medium stage of growth, then you can use this technique to gear up your marketing.
In-Page Ads
People confuse In-Page ads with Push Ads. It is somewhat similar to that, but it is more like a banner. Generally, it is used on the publisher’s website. Users will not be required to take up any subscription to view this ad. Those who visit your site will definitely witness this ad. Just like the name suggests, it is an advertisement on the page.
Pricing / Payment Methods
Now that you have an overview of the features, it is important that you know the pricing. This is also an important factor that you must consider. This is how the signup page would look like. Also, there will be an option of being an advertiser and a publisher, you might have to select from either of those.
Here, you will have to choose which type of account you wish to own. Both of the options have similar data to be entered. The only difference would be that you will have to put in your company’s name. The rest of the information that is required is very simple and basic.
After your account is created, what you need to do is to fill up your balance. There are a variety of payment options that you can choose from. A few of them are Credit Card, PayPal, Webmoney, Paxum, Bank Transfer and CryptoPay The minimum deposit that needs to be done is $100. You can then use this for various features that you want!
There is an option for you to set out daily budgets too.
How to Run a campaign?
As soon as the payment setup is done, you can push out your very own campaign!
Click on “Create Campaign” and the platform will take you through a campaign creation wizard.
After submitting the details, go ahead and set it up further to target a precise set of audience.
Once ready with the Targeting, Tracking and SubID configuration, Click on Start Campaign.
If your account has no funds yet, the wizard will take you to the “Billing” to add a payment method. After you add a payment method, make a top-up payment.
Your campaign will start running after the moderation is complete and the creative is approved.
Pros and Cons
You also need to understand the pros and cons of using AdOperator. Here are a few that are the ones you should know about.
- AdOperator is an amazing platform for those who are new to online marketing. It just gives you an overview of what you need to know.
- Most of the functions are self-explanatory. You will hardly take some time to understand the features. This is because it is not too technical.
- There is a wide range of payment options that can be used. This makes sure that either of the payment methods work out for you.
- There is a wide range of advertising formats to choose from. No limit is imposed on how many you can take up.
- You will only be able to get an overview of how your ad performs. Like any other platform, you can use third-party trackers (like Binom or RedTrack) to get additional insights of your campaigns. BTW, Adoperator has integrations with binom, voluum, keitaro, redtrack, funnelflux trackers and adsbridge to make it smooth for you.
- The pricing strategy is something that needs to be well understood. It can be a little confusing at times.
What about Publishers?
Adoperator Adnetwork provides few ways to monetize your website or traffic by tags or through directlink. (You can work with push or send your visitors here to their popunder or redirect users to direct link).
Process is easy as 1-2-3. Register as publisher at then add site/traffic source
Then you need to very your website by placing validation meta tag in html code of your website or upload validation file. If you expect difficulties with this, just ask your personal manager.
Once your website validated you need to create ad zone and get your tag or direct link.
Now you can monetize your web traffic. API stats methods also available for publishers.
Another important thing, payouts for publishers. You can make request for payouts in any time once you earned enough to withdraw.
Basically withdrawal methods are Paypal, Paxum and Webmoney. But you always may ask your manager about different payment method.
AdOperator is adnetwork that will help you take your advertisement to the next level. Advertisers and publishers consider this as an intelligent platform that caters to all their needs.
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At the end of this review, you can conclude that AdOperator is great ad network and reasonable option when it comes to understanding the performance of an ad in a gist. If you wish for a more detailed approach, you might want to take up RedTrack or Bemob. Also, AdOperator cuts out its commission and then you get paid.
If we speak about the payments via Credit Card, PayPal and Webmoney Commission is paid by AdOperator.
Payment fee for Paxum is $0.25 and 1% for Crypto
If you are new to online ad tracking, you can begin by adapting to AdOperator. This will make you comfortable with the technical terms. AdOperator will become the place for you to balance your work and your learning of technical terms.
Only when you are satisfied with the features, you can proceed with the payment. The features play a more important role than the price that you need to pay. In case the features are not up to the mark, there would be no use in spending on the service.
Overall, AdOperator is an extremely go-to option; not only for beginners but also for the pro-media-buyers.